Forbidden Love…

Ever been in a situation where you are running away from something you want but can’t have for reasons no one will understand whilst you are being questioned ‘why?’.

“What will we answer to the world? How do we make the impossible possible? How do we explain its just not possible for us to be together, it is just not possible”, the same thoughts running in their minds, both on the verge of crying but blocking every tear that could burst out.

We offer a shoulder to cry on to our closed ones because we can’t tolerate seeing them in tears. I wonder is there anyone who wants to shower love to the one, who so much wants to cry his heart out but can’t. The situation doesn’t let him.

Both were going through the same. They knew what is happening, knew they are on the verge of tears but were succesfull in holding it in.

They both felt a connection right from the first day. The kind which can’t be named but feels good. You can’t get over what some people make you feel in a few moments, and then you crave for it every other day.

He was fierce but sweet, strong yet sensitive, an average looking guy with complications written all over his face.
She was fragile yet bold, childish but willing to kick your ass if you mess with her, a beautiful mystery no one could unfold.

I didnt believe that opposites attract until then. The compatibility studies, statistics and even the sad reality couldn’t keep them apart.

Small talks turned to long hours, handshakes turned to hugs, feelings turned to emotions and on the other side confidence turned into fear. Fear that shatters you into pieces that only she could mend. The same fear that didn’t let her do that. One day, he finally spoke,
“You know we can’t be together, right?”

“Will you let go of everything that we have? The time we spent knowing each other, the small moments that kept us smiling for hours, the endless talks that has been etched in my heart for ever. How are you willing to let that go so easily?” she asked relentlessly.

“Do you think this is easy for me? How could I forget the face I stared at whenever i got the chance, those dreamy glazing look in your eyes that I craved for, voice that could heal any pain and smile that kept me awake all night,” he had confessed for the first time.

“You know what irony is? We are talking about a break up for a relationship that never even started, we didn’t even propose, we didnt even confess, we just understood that it can’t work.”

Yes, they weren’t dating, neither did they confess. ‘Going with the flow’, is it what they call these days? Unaware of the destination, without clarity, just moving ahead, doing what their heart asked for. I guess it was the big leap before the fall.

She was in tears now, in a battle between reality and the reel world. But she couldn’t keep it under control today. She held his hand, looked in his eyes and told, “Let it be if this tortures me tomorrow, but don’t you run away from me today. Stay, even if you abandon me crying later, but today, please stay. Even the stars in the night sky have understood what we feel for each other. How long will we blindfold ourselves?”

“Even I don’t care if I die in pain later, but come in my arms and let me live this moment. Stay close to me this once for I know we are going apart later.” He said with arms wide open.

Partners who had been in years of relationship hadn’t experienced an unison as beautiful as this. Lovers who never shared a thing yet understood all that the other’s heart feel.

‘Come to me, till the time we have.
The world won’t let us survive.
Why call it love,
When you are not allowed to choose yours.’

After all this, there is only one question that is running in everyone’s mind. Why can’t they be together ?

”The world wouldn’t understand.
Some stories are better left untold ,” they said wrapping their arms around eachother, finding one reason to stay amidst the thousand reasons for why they couldn’t

Let two beautiful soul become one for what they have today, they won’t tomorrow.

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